Welcome to the Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) Lab 

School of Computer Science and Engineering, College of IT, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea

인공지능 및 머신러닝에 관심이 있는 대학원생을 모집하고 있습니다. 

지원을 희망하는 분은 dahuin.jung@ssu.ac.kr로 메일 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

What We Do

What We Write

Who We Are

We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence (AI) with a primary emphasis on prioritizing people. Human-centered AI (HAI) is an emerging field focused on developing AI systems that enhance and complement human capabilities, emphasizing assistance over replacement. The potential impact of AI spans all aspects of society and civilization, affecting social relationships, ethics, the economy, healthcare, education, and government. HAI is committed to maintaining human oversight to ensure AI aligns with our needs while maximizing operational efficiency.

Our research operates at the intersection of machine learning, edge computing including robots, and human-AI interaction, where we design innovative, experimental HAI systems that prioritize efficiency, privacy, and safety. Our lab conducts pioneering work in edge AI, creating resource-efficient and secure models to foster intuitive, user-centered interactions. In addition, our embodied AI research focuses on vision-language-action models that enable AI agents to perceive, understand, and respond effectively in real-world settings, facilitating natural and meaningful human-AI interactions. We are also advancing multimodal AI, integrating diverse data types—such as text, images, audio, and sensory inputs—to develop AI systems capable of understanding complex, real-world scenarios holistically. 

Through collaborations with experts in healthcare, education, and other domains, our lab seeks to cultivate multidisciplinary engineers and researchers capable of integrating AI into industrial, educational, and practical contexts, driving meaningful innovation for humanity.
